If we don’t keep climbing, we will start sliding back in our faith. 

I had just finished my sixth grade year and was in the middle of the summer break. My parents sent me to the Student Spiritual Convocation (Youth Camp of True Jesus Church) in July, 2013. A few weeks before the SSC, I started feeling that my behavior hasn’t been really acceptable to my parents and God. So in one afternoon prayer session during the SSC, I repented to God about my wrongdoings and was praying to change myself. Then God showed me this vision. 

 I saw that I was in a tunnel that was about 4 feet in diameter. At first, I was stationary in the tunnel. Then the tunnel got colder and darker. So I started to climb upward in tunnel, using my hands to support myself against the walls to keep my balance. I could not stand up completely because my head might hit the ceiling of the tunnel.

After a while I stopped because it became a lot brighter and warmer. I liked the warmth and started up again. When I did, I slipped back down to the part where it was cold and dark. I was startled by the sudden change of settings, so I trudged up to the part of the tunnel which had light. This time I climbed up much higher to when the light was like the glorious light of Jesus as I have seen before.

This is like Jesus wanting us to keep pushing forward in our faith, and never backing down. I learned that God's expectation of us is always pursuing and never idling because idling will lead to falling in our faith. Our faith has to continue to grow and it cannot stay in the same place, otherwise, we might slip backwards and lose our faith or belief and fall.

So in the last three years, I feel that I have sometimes climbed higher and sometimes slipped back. The times I think I have gone higher and brighter with God is when I have gotten along with my siblings and prayed earnestly, regularly, and reading my Bible more often. The times when I slipped to darker and colder part in the spirit are when I fought or quarreled with my siblings, disobeyed my parents, and threw tantrums. 

This is how God views me and how I need to continue to keep up in my faith, or else I may fall eventually.

"Now the just shall live by faith;But if anyone draws back,My soul has no pleasure in him." Hebrews 10:38