On 7/19/14, my mother was praying for those who are suffering from illnesses. The Holy Spirit moved her, “When people are at peace, there will be no adding of points. Only during times of adversity are points added because during times of suffering, people will seek diligently after God.” 

        “It is good for me that I have been afflicted, that I may learn Your statutes.” (Ps 119:71)

          The Holy Spirit moved her, “Affliction and happiness are all the same on the heavenly scale. But during the times of happiness, people get carried away and lose their sense of measure. Yet during times of suffering, he will think and reflect. He will feel that he is lacking in faith and will trust in God and pursue after God even more. Adversity is more important than times of happiness because it is only during these times that he will grasp tightly and trust in God. Therefore, when you encounter tribulation, do not be sorrowful, do not complain, and just patiently endure. Receive these times of adversity with a joyful heart and give all thanks unto the Lord.”


Book of Jonah 2