回應不符合聖經觀點的「撤旦自存」理論 (2)

          1.還原神絕對的聖潔:人只要自問:「邪靈從哪裡來?」就將警覺到絕對不能聖靈和邪靈同置於一源!至善之聖靈絕對突變不出至惡的邪靈,撒但的出現也絕對不可能和神有絲毫的關連。然而依照傳統「撒但來源」的看法,萬物僅有的唯一源頭就是造物的真神!也就是說全然聖潔的真神竟然也是邪靈,撒但和謊言等等一切萬物、萬靈最起初的本源!與「在神裡面毫無黑暗」(約壹1. 5)相抵觸。唯一的解決方案就是將撒但的存在置於神的創造之外,絕對的與神分隔。

         我們開始質詢若接受神是惡的源頭,因在衪裹面亳無黑暗(約壹一5) ,這是有違神的本性。顯然的,神是人類的源頭,不論是好人或惡人。因此,說因為神是惡人的源頭就有違神的本性,因為沒有惡在神裹面,這是錯誤的。理由是我們不能因此說:惡人不可能是衪所造的。

         我們相信萬物都是神所造的。根據(約一3):「萬物是藉著祂造的:凡被造的,沒有一樣不是藉著祂造的。」讓我們舉實例來分辨何謂:「源頭」和「創造者」。考慮這句話:「若一個破瓦罐不是自有的,則它的來源必出自瓦匠」。 又說:「所有的瓦器都是由瓦匠所造」。我們能因此用邏輯推理說:「所有破碎的瓦罐,都是瓦匠所為」的嗎?當然不是!瓦匠製造瓦器(是所有瓦器的創作者)。瓦匠或可說是所有破瓦器的源頭,但不是他令所有瓦器破碎的。同理,從第一個陳述及(約 一3),邏輯上確定的是,神創造了靈,但並沒有創造邪靈。

         因此,若說神是惡靈的源頭,是違背神本性的,這種暗示是錯誤的。因為人要臆測神從起初就造了惡靈。這個惡靈從被造之日到如今都是悖逆神,未曾改變過。但這並非我們所信的。我們相信:神起初造的靈,原是好的,但撤旦卻偏要選擇悖逆作惡(所以說是從起初就犯罪)。 這就沒有違背神的本性:「因在衪裹面亳無黑暗。」(約壹一5)這教訓是聖經邏輯的依循(約一3)。

          2.還原神對兒女絕對的大愛:主說:「他們無故的恨我」,「恨我的也恨我的父」,「恨我以先,已經恨了我」,「世界恨你們,只因你們不屬世界,乃是我從世界中揀選你們」(約 15. 18-25)所以撒但對神兒女的恨是出於撒但自己,聖徒遇上撒但的攻擊,是必然的(因為不再屬撒但),聖徒與撒但之間的遭遇是「爭戰」(撒但主動),而不是「神去『藉著』連『神自己都被恨』的撒但來熬煉聖徒」(撒但被動)。試想,撒但連父神都恨了,怎還會聽祂的話?聖經明明記載撒但是神的仇敵,神怎會去找祂的同樣一個仇敵來熬煉祂千辛萬苦才從牠手下以寶血贖回來的兒女?至善的神絕對不會「藉」仇敵,恨祂且是至惡的撒但來完成祂對兒女的大愛!相反的,父神必定傾其生命,為要將兒女從撒但的權下拯救出來,並且以寶血披護他們使其不受惡者的毒害!



         神的旨意永遠超過天上,地上或今生,來世的所有一切。凡衪所定意的必定成就(賽十四27;四十三13;四十五23;四十八3;五十五11)。 雖然,有時在世上一時之間神的旨意似乎被一些不幸發生的事故,人的罪或軟弱所阻撓,但至終神的旨意仍將成就(詩卅三9-11;伯廿三13-14;但四35)。 約瑟就是一例(詩一零五17)。這件事也證明了神與亞伯拉罕所立的約永不廢棄(詩一零五8-12)。無人能抗拒衪的旨意,當然撤旦更不能夠(伯九12;羅九19)。有時人或許會見不到神的旨意成就或是得勝;但當你想到神旨意會有不同的層面時,心中就會得到莫大的安慰。

         每當人離開或者犯罪得罪神,他就給魔鬼留下作工的餘地(創四7;約壹三21)。 因為全世界都在魔鬼的腳下(約壹五19)。 約翰長老說魔鬼是個控告者,它在神面前畫夜地控告神的選民(啟十二10)。但今天因為主耶穌赦罪的寶血潔淨了我們(啟十二11),令魔鬼無法這麼做。在正常的情況下,惡者不能害我們(約壹五18)。 但如果我們活在罪中,神就將我們交回在惡者手中。神對我們的保護及對魔鬼的禁制都去除了。撤旦才因此能殘害我們的靈命(林前五5;提前一20)。 猶大亞拿尼亞撒非喇夫婦都是這一類的例子。


         對於神的智慧,我們所能瞭解的非常有限(賽四十28; 詩一四七5)。我們只能講論“聖經”所說的,例如:聖經說撒旦從起初就犯罪,因為它驕傲。這話是可信的。但有些事,“聖經”並沒有說,那我們就沒必要去假設它,例如:神創造了宇宙為了要打敗撒旦。這種說法是超越“聖經”的。

          3.還原神永恆的獨一和無窮無盡的全知、全能:撒但的自存並不代表牠與神並列(二元論),也不代表牠能夠永存!人若以「神在創世以前必定知道今晚這個燈泡會壞」之類的問題來定義神的全知、全能,無疑的是將神瑣碎化,毫無意義!神無窮無盡的全知、全能乃在屬靈之層面:甚至連自存的撒但祂都能夠將之消滅(一元半論),丟入火湖裡!試想:如果造物主「只是」得勝犯罪的被造之物,何須「全知、全能」?三歲的小孩也能易如反掌的將他的被造物給毀了,不是嗎?試比較「神得勝了犯罪的天使(或犯罪的被造物)」以及「神得勝了自存的撒但」那個更能顯出神絕對的全知、全能?至於神無與倫比的永恆獨一性,則在「創造」和「滅掉仇敵」的過程中,全然顯明(賽 41. 25-26;46. 9-11;林前 15. 24-26;啟 20. 10-15)。 


         聖經告訴我們,神數點星宿的數目(詩一四七4;賽四十26),連我們的頭髮也都被數過(太十30;路十二7)。豈有任何微不足道的事是神不知道的嗎?我們不但被告知:神關愛衪所創造的一切,更知衪是無所不知的神。若單問說: 「在創造之前,神知道今天這個電燈泡會燒掉嗎?」那是大大淡化了「神事先就已知道衪所創造的人將會犯罪」的事實!


         4.說明神創造的經綸:神在創世之前就預備了基督,為要滅掉撒但的作為(約壹 3. 8)。可見撒但的作為在創世之前就已經存在。既然撒但的存在先於神的創造,牠的存在就與任何被神創造的萬物都無關,只能是自存。又,萬物因主、為主而被造,所以創造和滅掉撒但有絕對的關連。當神「從黑暗中叫出光來」的剎那,神已經得勝了管轄黑暗的撒但!等撒但被丟到火湖之後,起初的創造完成了她的任務,過去了,於是不再有死亡(撒但作為)的新天新地就從天降臨!

         現在來談:基督藉從死裏復活來催毀魔鬼的工作(約壹三8)。近來對這節經文的解釋, 似乎成了一種新信仰的主要政綱。第一: 此一新信仰是基於「撤旦的存在與神亳無關係」的教導。但此新信仰有其內部的矛盾存在。如果此二自存者彼此毫無關係,那麼為何互相為敵,爭鬥不己呢?如果他們在永恒的過去就己並存著,又何以要彼此想除掉對方?更重要的是: 聖經是這樣教導我們的嗎?

         讓我們細看約翰的說法。說到人的存在,人與神的關係,最重要就是神要將罪除掉。也提到撤旦的下場,提醒我們勿落入罪惡中,有如魔鬼的結局: 「凡犯罪的,就是違背律法; 違背律法就是罪。你們知道主曾顯現,是要除掉人的罪,在衪並沒有罪。凡住在衪裹面的, 就不犯罪;凡犯罪的,是未曾看見衪,也未曾親認識衪。小子們哪,不要被人誘惑; 行義的才是義人,正如主是義的一樣。犯罪的是屬魔鬼,因為魔鬼從起初就犯罪。神的兒子顯現出來,為要除滅魔鬼的作為。凡從神生的,就不犯罪,因神的道存在他心裹;他也不能犯罪,因為他是由神生的」(約壹三4-9)。



         出於驕傲,魔鬼總認定自已可以比神更好。它非常邪惡而且自欺。而第一個欺騙的對象就是它自己:以為能比神更好:「你們是出於你們的父魔鬼,你們父的私慾,你們偏要行。 他從起初是殺人的,不守真理,因他心裹沒有真理。他說謊是出於自已,因他本來是說謊的,也是說謊之人的父」(約八44)。此處,約翰不單是對固執悖逆的猶太人說話,更重要的是他要暴露魔鬼用謊言欺騙人,叫人遠離神,不聽祂說的話(約八45-47)。對於人類, 這正是撤旦自從伊甸園被造至今所做的事。主耶穌的言談中從未暗示過撤旦是自有自存的。


         令人迷惘之處是:這些經文竟被用為反對傳統聖經的教導。其實,這經文是耶穌教導門徒對禱告應有的認識。這節裡頭所談到的責任,不應該放在神的身上。人應禱告祈求,讓神的旨意能成就在自已身上,更要能成全在教會裹。關鍵不在於:是否神的旨意能成就在地上。而在乎:人對神有責任——明白神的旨意。思想主耶穌在被釘十字架之前的禱告,說「父啊! 你若願意,就把這杯撤去;然而,不要成就我的意思,只要成就你的意思」(路廿二42)。 耶穌在禱告中學會順服神的旨意,就成為凡信從神的人得救的泉源(來五7,9)。

         一個神所悅納的禱告,乃是每位信徒並教會均會致力去實現神旨意的禱告。藉著這種努力叫神的旨意成就,神的國度就因此被建立。這也是主的禱告中最重要的部份。要做到這一點,在生活中有三方面是我們該注意的:第一點:人不能因著需要日用的飲食,就放弃了我們親近神的努力。主耶穌說:「你們要先求衪的國與衪的義,這些東西都要加給你們了」(太六33)。其次,是我們與他人的關係中,饒恕最為重要,就如主饒恕我們一般。  第三,人需要對世界的引誘時常保持警醒,以免被惡者所擄。


         6.劃清神與撒但、聖潔與污穢的界線:神從創世以前就定意滅掉撒但(約壹3. 8)。然而依一般基督傳統的思路,神好像和撒但合作無間,常常需要「藉著」撒但去完成這聖工(救贖大恩),去成全那聖工(熬煉信徒)。並且神對撒但的請求幾乎沒有不答應的:試看世人日日所行、所想的盡都是惡,如果以「若非神允許,則撒但什麼也不能做」的標準來計算,神一天至少要允許撒但「億萬次」以上,允許牠去誘惑全世界的人去行惡、思惡!大大違反了「義和不義有甚麼相交呢.光明和黑暗有甚麼相通呢.基督和彼列〔彼列就是撒但的別名〕有甚麼相和呢」的真理! 

         傳統的信仰中,從未提說神與撤旦密切地合作 一起工作。作出這樣的假設是企圖減少聖經教導的可信度。我們相信神有時會利用一時的環境和情況來勝過魔鬼的工作,彰顯出祂更高的旨意。就如:約瑟,耶穌,示每拿教會的例子。

         世界上的人都在罪惡之中,在惡者的控制之下(弗二1-3)。 這是人在罪中的必然結果。他們將自己交給惡者,且心急火燎地去做惡。因此這些人與神無分。相反,凡住在神裹面的,撤旦是無法觸碰他們的(約壹五18)。


In response to the Fallacies of the Self-existence of Satan (2)



      1. To re-establish God’s absolute holiness: So that when people ask themselves: “Where do evil spirits come from?” they will be alerted to the fact that the Holy Spirit and the evil spirit should never be said to come from the same source! The Holy Spirit, who is absolutely good, cannot produce an evil spirit, which is wholly wicked; neither is it possible that the appearance of Satan has anything to do with God. However, according to the traditional view of the origin of Satan, all things have only one source, namely, the Creator and True God. In other words, the most Holy True God is also the initial source of all things, including evil spirits, Satan and lies! This is contrary to the statement “in [God] is no darkness at all” (1 Jn. 1:5). The only way to resolve this issue is to exclude Satan’s existence from God’s creation, thus completely separating him from God.


       We begin by questioning the assertion that to accept that 'God has to be the evil spirit's source is to go against the nature of God: for there is no evil in Him’ (1 Jn. 1:5). Clearly, God is the source of man, evil or good. Thus, is it not true that acknowledging God as being the source of an evil man is to go against the nature of God: for there is no evil in Him?


       We believe that God is the maker of all things on the basis of John 1:3: "All things were made by Him; and without Him was not anything made that was made". Now, we distinguish between source and maker with the following example. Consider the statement: 'If the broken pot is not self-existent, then the potter has to be its source’. If we take similarly as self-evident the statement: 'All pots were made by the potter', can we logically deduce then that the potter made a broken pot? Certainly not! No, the logical certainties are that the potter made the pot, and the potter is the source of the broken pot, but the potter did not make a broken pot. In the same way, the logical certainties from the first statement and John 1:3 are that God made the spirit but did NOT make the evil spirit.


       Thus, to say that 'God has to be the evil spirit's source’ implies that it goes against the nature of God: for there is no evil in Him (1 Jn. 1:5)' is wrong because one would then have to assume that God made the spirit evil in the first place. To allow for the supposed logical deduction, one must assume that the evil spirit in question has not changed in his existence in rebellion from its time of creation to its current state. That exactly is not what we have preached all along. This is what we have preached: God made the spirit. He made him good. However, he chose wickedness (He sinned from the beginning). This teaching does not go against the nature of God: for there is no evil in Him (1 Jn. 1:5)'. This teaching follows logically from John 1:3.


      2. To re-establish God’s absolute love for His children: The Lord said: “They hated Me without a cause”, “He who hates Me hates My Father also”, “It hated Me before it hated you”, “Yet because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you” (Jn 15:18-25). Therefore, Satan’s hatred towards God’s children derives from Satan himself. It is inevitable that the saints meet with Satan’s attacks (for they are no longer of Satan). The encounters between the saints and Satan are “wars” (initiated by Satan); it is erroneous to say that God tries the saints through Satan (who hates even God) (Satan is passive in this case). If we think about it, Satan hates God the Father; why would he then listen to God? The Bible clearly records that Satan is God’s enemy, so why would God use His enemy to try His own children, whom He has purchased with His precious blood through much suffering? Our compassionate God would never use His enemy, Satan, who hates Him and is absolutely evil, to fulfill His great love for His children! On the contrary, our Father has sacrificed His life to deliver His children from the dominion of Satan, and has protected them from the corrupting power of the evil one with His precious blood!



       We do not believe that God makes use of Satan to train up His people in a way that a person would invite his friend to help accomplish a task for him.  For a start, it has never been the view of the church that God uses Satan to achieve His purpose. Rather, when Satan tries to disrupt the work of God, His will triumphs on an elevated level. For example, the intention of Satan to crucify Jesus was to destroy Him, but through His death God's plan to save was achieved at His resurrection.



      'Trying the faith of the saints by Satan' is an incomplete notion that lacks elaboration and clarification. It purports to portray Satan as being a tool of God existing in a regimental relationship between a soldier and his commander, with a task to perfect the faith of the saints. This alternative view struggles in its naiveté to make a dent in the common understanding that God can make use of situations, such as the one in Job, to advance His purpose on His servant at the cost of Satan's scheme to destroy him.



       God's will is always higher than that of any other who exists or that has existed, be it earthly or heavenly. Whatever He sets out to do, He would bring it to pass (Isa 14:27; 43:13; 45:23; 48:3; 55:11). Though, on the earthly plane, at times, it may appear that His will is thwarted by some unfortunate events, human weaknesses and sins, yet He would still accomplish it (Ps 33:9-11; Jb. 23:13-14; Dan 4:35). One example is Joseph (Ps 105:17). This fact also proves that His covenant with Abraham would never fail (Ps 105:8-12). No one can resist His will, not even Satan (Jb. 9:12; Rm. 9:19). When one fails to see how God's purpose can triumph, one can take consolation in the knowledge that there are always different dimensions to the will of God.



       Whenever man strays away from, or sins against God, he gives ground to Satan to work (Gen 4:7; 1 Jn. 3:21). For this reason, this world of sin is under the sway of Satan (1 Jn. 5:19). Elder John states that Satan is an accuser who accuses us before God day and night (Rev 12:10). Today, he can no longer do so because of the atoning blood of Jesus, through which we are cleansed (Rev 12:11). In a normal circumstance, the evil one could not touch us (1 Jn. 5:18). However, if we live in sin, God will return us to the devices of the evil one. Restraint on Satan or protection on us is thus removed. In this way, Satan could bring harm to our spiritual lives (1 Cor. 5:5; 1 Tim 1:20). Judas and the couple Ananias and Sapphire are such examples.



       The heavenly rules governing the operation between God and Satan are sometimes beyond our comprehension. The story of Job is a good example. The Lord Himself prompted the exchanges with Satan regarding Job.



      There is a limit to our understanding of God's wisdom (Isa 40:28; Ps 147:5). We speak what the Bible teaches. For example, Satan sinned from the beginning, for he was proud. This is a truthful statement. However, there are things the Bible does not talk about. For example, God created the universe to defeat Satan. This claim is unbiblical.



      3. To re-establish the everlasting sovereignty of God and His boundless omniscience and omnipotence: The self-existence of Satan does not put him on an equal footing with God (Dualism), neither does it mean that he is able to exist forever! To define God’s omniscience and omnipotence by such statements as: “Before the creation, God must have known that this light bulb would blow tonight” is to trivialize God and is utterly meaningless! The boundless omniscience and omnipotence of God concerns the spiritual realm: He can destroy even Satan who is self-existent (1.5 monism) and cast him into the fiery lake! Imagine, if the Creator “only” has to overcome created beings who have sinned, why would He need to be “omniscient” and “omnipotent”? Even a three-year-old child can easily destroy the things he has created, can he not? Compare the two statements: “God overcame the angel who sinned (or the created being who sinned)” and “God overcame Satan, who was self-existent”. Which statement manifests better the absolute omniscience and omnipotence of God? As for God’s incomparable and eternal sovereignty, that has been completely revealed through the process of creation and the destruction of His enemies (cf. Is 41:25-26; 46:9-11; 1 Cor. 15:24-26; Rev 20:10-15).



      ‘Satan does not have an equal footing with God’ is inherently flawed if Satan is self-existent. First, being able to self-derive existence like God puts Satan to be on par with the infinity of God. The erroneousness of the theory further complicates itself when it is suggested that Satan being a self-existent being has been destroyed or defeated by an another self-existent being, namely, the Lord God.  The reason is that a self-existent being cannot be destroyed. Also, there is no reason for two unrelated or independent self-existent beings to fight against one another to a bitter end. After all, there is nothing common between them.



       The Bible teaches that God has counted all the stars (Ps. 147:4; Isa. 40:26) and has also numbered our hair (Mt.10:30; Lk. 12:7). Are these too trivial a thing for God to know? Not only it tells us that He is very mindful of His creation, but also, He is omniscient. To use “before the creation, God must have known that this light bulb would blow tonight” is to blur the point of God knowing beforehand that His creation would sin.



       Omniscience and omnipotence are the intrinsic nature of the Lord. For God to know that His creatures would sin, does not in any way reduce His infinity. It all the more shows that He is the only self-existent God, which is in line with the teaching of the Bible (Isa. 45:5-6).



      4. To explain God’s plan of creation: God had prepared Christ even before the creation of the world, for the purpose of destroying the works of Satan (1 Jn. 3:8). This shows that Satan’s works were already in existence before God’s creation. Since this was so, his existence was unrelated to any of the things created by God; he can only have been self-existent. Furthermore, all things were created through Him and for Him; therefore, there is a definite relationship between God’s creation and the destruction of Satan. The moment God called forth light from the darkness, He overcame Satan, the ruler of darkness! When Satan is thrown into the lake of fire, the first creation will have completed her task and will pass away. A new heaven and a new earth, where death is no more, will then come down from heaven.



       We now turn to explain the incarnation of Christ to destroy the works of Satan (1 Jn 3:8), as the recent interpretation of this phrase seems to be a key plank in the new belief. First, the claim to back up this new teaching is that the existence of Satan has nothing to do with God. There is an underlying internal contradiction in this belief. If there is nothing between the two self-existing beings, then why should there be an ongoing war between them. If they had co-existed in the eternal past, then is there a need to get rid of one another? More seriously, is that what the Bible teaches?



       Looking at the statement of John carefully, we see that he has not written of things or works beyond the scope of human existence. The focus of the passage is the need to be rid of sin in man's relationship with God, with a reference to what had happened to Satan serving as a warning to us not to tread on his path: 'Whoever commits sin also commits lawlessness, and sin is lawlessness. And you know that He was manifested to take away our sins, and in Him there is no sin. Whoever abides in Him does not sin. Whoever sins has neither seen Him nor known Him. Little children, let no one deceive you. He who practices righteousness is righteous, just as He is righteous. He who sins is of the devil, for the devil has sinned from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that He might destroy the works of the devil. Whoever has been born of God does not sin, for His seed remains in him; and he cannot sin, because he has been born of God' (1 Jn. 3:4-9).



       Here, John is talking about two modes of existence. One is of God and the other Satan. He teaches that to sin is to be disobedient to God (i.e. God's law), which is one key message of the passage. In this context, the works of Satan are those that cause humankind to sin, works beginning with the Tragic Event in the Garden of Eden. It takes a wild stretch of the imagination to read that John was writing about the works of Satan against God on the same footing of existence by linking with the phrase 'the devil has sinned from the beginning'. The idea of Christ having manifested does not occur in verse 8 alone. It is first stated in verse 5, which qualifies and sets the perimeter for the explaining of verse 8. Undoubtedly, the works are concerned with those that trap us to sin, and these are what Satan has devised. God's incarnation is intended to take away sin (works of Satan). If Christ had not come, then there would not have been salvation for us.



       The advice John gives is that we can be victors over sins. He is saying that we can do it, for we are given the capacity to remain good in Jesus Christ, if we submissively allow His seed (word) to remain in us (1 Jn. 3:9). Truly, unlike Satan, with the practice of righteousness, we can make a gaping difference. John says Satan sinned from the beginning, meaning at one point in the expanse of the beginning (Gen. 1:1), he chose to deviate from the path of righteousness, the order that God had set for all in the realm of the Spirit. Satan was the first one to go against God.



      In his pride, Satan overestimates himself and always thinks that he can get the better of God. Satan is utterly wicked and self-deceived. The first lie he told was to himself - that he was better than God: 'You are of your father the devil, and the desires of your father you want to do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaks a lie, he speaks of his own resources for he is a liar, and the father of it' (Jn. 8:44). Here, John not only speaks of the stubborn rebellion of the Jews, he also most crucially exposes the works of Satan to deceive human beings with lies, which have drawn them away from listening to God (Jn. 8:45-47). With regard to human beings, this is what Satan has been doing since the creation of the Garden of Eden. Jesus does not in any sense imply Satan is self-existent.



       5. To clarify concepts within the faith: Since the Lord has taught us to pray that “[His] will be done on earth as it is in heaven”, we cannot say that all things that happen on earth are in accordance with the will of God. Because if everything, whether good or bad, takes place according to the will of God, there would be no need for us to ask that God’s will be done on earth as it is in heaven! Moreover, since it is said that God claims victory over Satan “in the end”; we cannot claim that Satan is completely controlled by God “now”, for why would God need to battle against Satan and destroy him if he were already under God’s control?



       The confusion here is that this part of the Scripture is for man to abide to. That is why Jesus taught His disciples how to pray. This should not be placed upon the shoulder of God. Man should learn to pray in such a way that His way is to be fulfilled in life, more so in His church. It is not about if His will can come to pass or not on earth. It is about the duty of man toward God, i.e., to realise His will. Ponder over the prayer of Jesus before His crucifixion, "Father, if it is your will, remove this cup from me; nevertheless not My will, but Yours to be done" (Lk 22:42). Jesus learned to be obedient in His prayer to God's will, to become the author of salvation to those who believe (Heb. 5:7f). Why confuse such a wonderful piece of teaching, and tie it into the self-existence of Satan.



       A prayer that reaches God is one that focuses on fulfilling His will on the part of every single believer and the church. Upon doing His will, His Kingdom will surely be established. This is the crux of the Lord's Prayer. To do that, one must be concerned over three aspects of life. First, the issue of daily bread must not become one that prevents one from drawing close to God. For that purpose, Jesus says, 'Seek first His Kingdom and righteousness, and the rest shall be added unto us' (Mt 6:33). Second, it is about our dealings with others. Forgiveness must become the forefront of our relationship with one another, just as Christ has also forgiven us. Third, one must be aware of the snare of temptation, not to be captured by the evil one.



      6. To distinguish clearly between God and Satan, holiness and wickedness: God had purposed to destroy the works of Satan even before the creation (1 Jn 3:8). However, going by the traditional ideas of Christianity, it appears that God works closely with Satan and often needs Satan to accomplish His divine work (the testing and salvation of the believers). It also seems as though God never rejects any of Satan’s requests. Just look at the people of the world - all they do and think about daily is evil. Now if this were to be measured according to the criterion that ‘unless God is willing, Satan will accomplish nothing’, then God must give Satan permission over a hundred million times a day to go ahead and entice the whole world into thinking and acting evil! This strongly contradicts the truth: “What fellowship has righteousness with lawlessness; what communion has light with darkness; and what accord has Christ with Belial (another name for Satan)?”



      The traditional belief does not advocate that God works closely with Satan. This is an assumption intended to downgrade the reliability of the teaching of the church. We believe that, sometimes, God can make use of situations in which Satan works to triumph over him and to reveal the higher purpose of God. Cases include Joseph, Jesus and the Smyrna Church.



       The people of the world are in sin. They are under the control of the evil one. (Eph. 2:1-3). This is a natural consequence of being in sin. They give themselves over to the wicked one to work feverishly in their hearts.  This has nothing to do with God. On the contrary, those who are in God, Satan does not touch them (1 Jn. 5:18).



       The problem here is not with the traditional belief of the church. Quite clearly, it is the problem with the proponents of the self-existence of Satan. Without a shadow of doubt, the confusion here is the result of wandering away from the right path.


      多年來教會一直不斷遭受到無懈的攻擊,這是撒旦的伎倆目的在摧毀耶穌用祂的血所買來的教會。惡者利用不虔敬的人加劇牠對教會反對的攻勢作為,這些人自高自大極度張狂,他們已被設定以狡黠的詭計對基督的身體作最大的傷害,他們在教會中充以權術,致力於達成他們主人撒旦的目的(弗四14下)- 褻瀆教會。








      在早期教會,彼得算是最資深的,他也是五旬節時最關鍵之發言人,不僅如此,還特蒙神啟示有關教會的奧秘、並指示他傳福音給第一位外邦信主的。這是他為神和教會所作之 ‘輝煌成就’,他在事工上比保羅更久更有經驗,但當彼得被糾正,他接受且稱讚保羅的工作和神給他的智慧(彼後三15-16),結果更加增進工人彼此的關係,這種謙卑的態度是神所喜愛的(參:雅四10)。


      撒但會利用傲慢人對教會名稱吹毛求疵,這一點也不足為怪。「真耶穌教會」這名稱是賜給末世真教會的,所引發的問題是:這名稱被翻譯後是否與原來的相同?有人說真耶穌教會從英文翻成其他種語言,名稱上顯得文法不當,但有何人在為小孩命名時是基於文法的關係?就拿中文名稱來看,如果翻成‘耶穌的真教會’(The True Church of Jesus),文法上似乎比較恰當,但這並非是神賜給祂的教會之名稱的目的。

         教會名稱是在描素神藉著耶穌對教會所給予的工作,「真耶穌教會」這名稱就充分體現這概念,我們ㄧ旦以聖經觀點來對照,就能清楚看出神賦予教會的使命-是為了宣揚神藉著耶穌賜給人類的救恩(啟19),這是神一大奇妙的作為,祂在早先已透過以賽亞先知的口預言:錫安必得新的名稱(賽六二2 ),我們是誰,竟然對神為祂自己的教會命名之主權作挑戰?



         誠如使徒時代,我們知道教會不是由ㄧ人建立的,傳道和洗禮的任務是託付給所有門徒並非只給彼得一人(有關教會的奧秘,彼得是第一位受到啟示)(太十六18), 神揀選一群人來開始建立教會,同樣的,真耶穌教會依照使徒時代的模式在地上建立起來,這就是神在高度不確定的基督教界中興起祂的教會。因此鑑於神的作為,豈不當為神救贖我們的偉大工程感到無比歡喜?這事太奇妙,是人所不能測透,感謝讚美主!


         當這惡毒彎曲之意念最終被揭露開來,此傲慢人只得訴求以威脅的方式指控那些持守傳統信仰的信徒,說他們毀謗那些不守傳統的。如我們所知, 猶大把那些在教會製造分裂的歸類為「沒有聖靈的人」(猶19),約翰也指出那些不聽從使徒的沒有真理的靈,他們有的反倒是謬妄的靈(約壹四6),使徒這大膽的聲明是要在迷惑之人和神的兒女之間劃定界線,這是要讓教會清楚了解這迷惑人的工作是被邪靈所引動,以便防備教會受到迷惑。



          1.如果神能藉著祂的創造擊敗撒但,那麼是什麼使人認為,沒有祂的創造,祂就不能作到擊敗撒但? 事實上,甚至在主耶穌被釘之前,撒但已經被摔下(路十18)。在祂死後,撒但仍然像吼叫的獅子,想要吞吃那些信祂的人。看來撒但還沒被毀滅。明顯的,主耶穌的死毀滅了死的權勢,就是罪 (來二14)。當基督再來時, 撒但最終被丟到火湖 (啟二十7ff) 。‘毀滅撒但工作’的觀念不該被延伸超過約翰所說的範疇,那是受限於時空的。 聖經沒有給予任何暗示,在兩個自存者之間,從永遠的過去直到今日,一直有巨大的爭戰。


          3.對信神的人來說,人自己的責任比什麼都重要。人犯罪不可歸咎給神,不論是否受試探。這就是為何亞當犯罪後,他要擔罪,雖然他是被誘惑。靠神的話,他有足夠的能力抵擋撒但迷惑他的工作 (林前十13) 。人或許永遠無法調合神預先知道人的行動與人要為自己所做的負責任,但神的預先知道並不會與亞當的犯罪有砥觸。這兩者不能混淆。一個要考慮的應該是順服到底。這就是為何彼得說,那些竭力尋求神的人,他們絕不會跌倒 (彼後一9f)。這是極大的應許, 在亞當犯罪之前, 必然早就給了他。

          4.預定與神知道將要發生的事情有很大的區別。兩者是不同的。例如,神告訴摩西,祂的百姓進入迦南地後將會犯罪(申三一16)。這是祂的全知。可以說神預定他們犯罪嗎? 顯然不可。否則神就沒有理由將祂說的咒詛加在他們身上(申十一27ff; 二八1ff)。

          5.耶穌,一個無罪的人,須要學習順服神, 以成為完全 (來五7ff) 。要如何做的更多,才能在祂眼中被悅納? 這原則適用於所有被造物,包括天使。所以,當犯罪時,不能歸咎罪的源頭給神。撒但是第一個犯罪,因為它驕傲。在地上顯示的,絕對不能推論在靈界也一定是如此。畢竟隱祕的事是屬於神的(申二九29) 。

          6.撒但在神的掌控下一定不能拿來意指神用撒但來達成祂的旨意。神不允許撒但傷害祂的子民。然而那些犯罪的人, 神任憑他們而成為撒但的獵物。另外,天使能戰勝撒但 (啟十二7ff) ,而且撒但被限制不去攻擊以色列 (啟二十7ff) 。這顯示撒但不可能是自存的。

          7.撒但從起初就犯罪。這裡的 ‘起初’是它犯罪的那一刻時間。這裡沒有給我們任何一點提示,它的存在是好像神一樣,源於自己本身。這裡的罪是一個違反天上法則的行動。這就是為何它受審判 (約十六11)。並不是從起初就是存在邪惡的狀態。由於‘起初’是在時空中被介紹,就不同等於神。甚至若用到無限,也是存在於神裡。主是那充滿一切的。如果用人能理解的方式,祂必然大於永恆,而不是僅僅存在於永恆中。簡單的說,祂創造了永恆。


God’s Greatness in Preserving His Church - By exposing the wicked schemes of the evil one against the church



      The relentless attacks on the church of God for the past many years are ever on the increase. Such has been the ploy of Satan to destroy the church that Jesus purchased with His own blood. The wicked one intensifies his work to go against the church through ungodly people, who are puffed up in haughtiness beyond measure. They have been set in the mode to cause maximum damage to the body of Christ in the cunning craftiness of deceitful plotting. They are full of trickery in every endeavour in the church to achieve the objective of their master, the devil (Eph. 4:14b), to desecrate the church.


       From the teachings in the Bible, we know that God’s plan to establish His church to save the world will never be thwarted by the schemes of the wicked one. The church will eventually reach perfection to the exclusion of those who cause havoc in the church. This is a prophecy, which is dispersed all over the pages of the prophetic books (Ps. 15; Isa. 4:2ff, 65:11ff; Zeph. 3:11-13). To remain in the church, there is a great need for us to hold on to the initial beliefs of the church and to constantly improve ourselves spiritually, thus demonstrating the virtues of Christ in every aspect of life.  This is the way to preserve ourselves and the church in the greatness and mercy of God, and being vigilant against the devices of Satan.



      The foundation of the church


      The church cannot be built up without the foundation (truth) that Christ has laid (1 Cor. 3:11). This foundation was first laid during the time of the apostles. The True Jesus Church, by the grace of God, has been established on this very same foundation. When we compare the beliefs we have received with those of the apostolic church, they coincide perfectly. Examples such as the receiving of the Holy Spirit is accompanied by the speaking of tongues; and water baptism is to be carried out in a source of living water, in the name of Jesus for the forgiveness of sins. This affirms to us that the True Jesus Church is the revival of the apostolic church.


      Today, the trick of Satan is to cause division within the True Jesus Church by indicating that there are various types of the True Jesus Church in existence. Some claim that these separate churches within the circle of the True Jesus Church should put aside doctrinal differences, to be united. In fact, we must all remember what Jesus said: the other sheep will come to the fold. But, the condition is that they must all listen to the voice of Jesus (Jn. 10:16). This tells us that unity is only achievable when every True Jesus Church worldwide adheres to the teachings of the apostles. This is and must be our goal.


      Internal Correction


      Satan fell because of arrogance (1 Tim. 3:6).  Since the beginning of his existence, he developed the seed of haughtiness and eventually, refused to come under the authority of God. Today, he tries to instil the same rebellion, in the minds of the proud, to go against the work of God through the church. One of the main tasks of the church that needs to be carried out is the internal correction for the good of the church as a whole worldwide. When the churches within the ambience of the True Jesus Church are taught again the truth of God, and thereby reconciled to God, the power of unity will permeate in every work that she does. The walls that Satan has built to separate one True Jesus Church from another will be torn down, unleashing the full potential of the True Jesus Church universally to reach out to the world with the perfect gospel of salvation in great strength and unity.


      Internal correction was not unheard of in the time of the apostolic church. There was an occasion in which Paul rebuked Peter publicly (Gal. 2:11). The reason for such internal correction is stated as ‘not being straightforward about the truth’ (Gal. 2:14). Again, it is for the sake of the truth, and indeed the good of the church as a whole, that this internal correction was done. This is to ensure that the churches of God in different locales are bonded together in the body of Christ by having the same beliefs.


      In the early church, Peter was the most senior figure, and was the key speaker on the Day of Pentecost. Not only that, God had revealed the mystery of the church and directed Peter to preach to the first ever gentiles. These are the ‘glorious achievements’ he had for God and His church. Peter was in the ministry work much longer than Paul. But when Peter was corrected, he took it well and responded by praising Paul’s work and wisdom which God gave him (2 Pet. 3:15-16). This resulted in a stronger relationship amongst workers. This is humility, which the Lord takes great delight in (cf. Jas. 4:10).


      The name of the church


      It is not at all surprising to see that Satan makes use of the man of arrogance to find fault with the name of the church. The ‘True Jesus Church’ is the name given to the end-time true church. One issue raised is on the linguistic soundness of the name when translated into different languages. It is said that when the name ‘True Jesus Church’ in English is translated into another language, it is grammatically unsound. But does anyone give a name to his/her child based solely on the ground of grammatical relevance? By just looking at the name in English, it may seem that it would sound better grammatically if it were translated ‘the True Church of Jesus’. But, that is not the purpose God has for the name of His church.


      The name of the church is to portray the work that God has for the church through Jesus. This idea is well captured by the name ‘True Jesus Church’. Once the name is explained in the light of the Bible, it makes clear the sense of the mission of the church that God has given her – that is to proclaim the salvation of God to man through Jesus (Rev. 19). This is the wonder of the Lord. He has long prophesied that Zion shall be given a new name (Isa. 62:2) through the mouth of Isaiah. Who are we then to challenge God’s authority over the name that He has given to His church?


      The Three Early Workers


      The most wicked ploy of all is to find fault with the first three workers of the True Jesus Church. The man of arrogance has claimed that the two workers, whom Paul Wei had asked to baptise each other, were not connected in baptism. Thus stating the churches they established, their salvation would not even be certain. The reason for such an insinuation is that they were not baptised by Paul Wei, whom the Spirit first baptised personally. Clearly, this is an act of wedging in a divide, which is of the highest order, surfacing the deviant beliefs of the deceivers.


      As disclosed in the time of the apostles, the church was not to be established by just one person. The commission to preach and baptise was given to all disciples, not just to Peter who was the first one to be given the mystery of the church (Mt. 16:18). God chose a group of people to begin His church. The True Jesus Church, likewise, has been fashioned into the apostolic pattern in coming into existence on earth. This is how God has established His church in time of great uncertainty in Christendom. In light of what the Lord has done, should we not be rejoicing over the work of God for saving us? This is a great wonder that goes beyond human perception. Praise the Lord!


      Not the Spirit of God


      Finally, when his twisted beliefs were exposed, the man of arrogance had to resort to threats, by accusing those who hold on to the traditional beliefs of the church as being blasphemous against those who do not.  As we know Jude states categorically that those who cause division in the church, they do not have the Holy Spirit (Jude 19). John also says that he who does not listen to the apostles, does not have the Spirit of truth but the spirit of error (1 Jn. 4:6). This bold declaration of the apostles is intended to draw a clear distinction between the deceivers and the children of God. This is to give a clear picture to the church that the work of deception is propelled by the evil Spirit, so that the church would not be deceived.


      Let’s pause for a moment or two – can the Spirit of God still abide in a full-time worker, who previously knew about the truth in great clarity and depth, but now turns against what he has received from the church and his father? He believes that the Spirit is received at the point of baptism. He does not believe in the doctrine of baptism in a manner that the church does. In fact, he practically overturns virtually every belief of the church. He fanatically attacks the church that we all love so dearly. Is he not guilty of the most insidious and malicious acts of an apostate? What kind of spirit is at work? 


      But we know that the Lord will preserve His church.